Board Statement on Anti-racism
June 2020
We are deeply disturbed by what has happened in the U.S. as it relates to the treatment of the Black community and the protestors supporting racial justice and police reform. We imagine most, if not all, of you are disturbed by this as well. Without condition, the SV-US Board of Directors is firmly in support of people who suffer injustice. We recognize that we have a responsibility to the Black community to listen, seek understanding, and educate ourselves about structural racism and anti-racism.
It is time– far past time– for us to reflect on our role in upholding the status quo, and to take action to defend racial justice and practice anti-racism in our daily lives, communities, and workplaces. All of this is consistent with our mission as Social Value US. Therefore, the Board firmly commits to leading SV-US with a heightened focus on advocacy and action for racial justice.
As an organization, Social Value US has made efforts to diversify since inception, but we realize these have been insufficient. Our current membership is almost entirely white, which is inconsistent with the values of our organization and how we want to impact society. As a Board, we commit to broadening and diversifying our networks to strengthen SV-US by better elevating and activating Black and other minority voices. In our individual work with funders, we will also be advocating for equal access to impact management decision-making for Black and other minority leaders. We are going to do better and ask that you, our members, both support and hold us accountable to this.
As signed by the Board of Social Value US:
John Byrnes, Michael Harnar, Shubha Kumar, Sara Olsen, David Pritchard, Erica van Steen
Social Value US Annual Meeting 2019
SV US Annual Meeting 2019
12 November (Tuesday) 3-8pm and 13 November (Wednesday) 9am-12pm
In conjunction with the American Evaluation Association (AEA) Conference - Minneapolis, MN and virtual via Zoom
Tuesday: 3:00-6:00pm Theory of Change development Part 1 followed by Dinner 6:30-8:00pm
Wednesday: 9-11:00am Can we do this? What resources do we have and need? What can we accomplish in 3-5 years?
11:15-12:00pm Voting in new officers* and all other business
All are welcome!
*Those who are paid members at time of meeting are eligible to vote.
2019 GRI Training Information
End the year better prepared for the next reporting cycle by joining ISOS Group at one of its GRI Standards Certified Training Courses:
2019 Trainings Schedule
MAY 21, 2019
Check out our upcoming trainings and seminars in the Northeast, Midwest and West coast at our Trainings page to find details of events near you, and contact us if you'd like to collaborate to make another one happen!
New Cross-Sector Glossary
February 19, 2018
The Impact Management Glossary is up and we're building an editorial board to help improve the next iteration. Check it out. Pass it along to your network. Let us know what you think.
Social Value US formally incorporates
April 11, 2017
After operating through less formal collaboration among volunteers since 2014, Social Value US reached a milestone on April 11, 2017 by receiving formal recognition as a nonprofit corporation registered with the state of Arizona.